Sunday, April 17, 2011

Little Lights

I've started my job as a bank teller and I thoroughly enjoy it. I have completed one week of training, and have one more to go. There is so much more than I ever imagined involved in banking, but I find it very fun.
So I figure it's about time for another India post and this is probably the last one. While we were in Chennai  we got to work with Little Lights, which is a safe place for children to live and go to school. It's such a neat  ministry and I really enjoyed working with them. We went everyday to help the children get ready for school ( I braided lots of hair), sat with them while they ate breakfast, and then saw them off to school. One of the days we were there I got to walk them to school. I absolutely loved it and held their hands all the way there. The kids are so precious and getting to hang out and love on them touched me so much. After they left for school we did chores around the house such as doing laundry (by hand- which after a ton of clothes gets super tiring), sweeping and mopping, and ironing uniforms. When they came home we would play with them and help them with homework. One night we were there we got to have a movie night with them. We passed around popcorn and watched Toy Story 3. The kids were all enthralled. After it was over I went to help put all the kids to bed and they couldn't get enough goodnight hugs and kisses from me.
These children were so sweet and I miss hanging out with them.

1 comment:

  1. i loved popcorn and movie night cmu.... i passed out with the boys
