Thursday, December 2, 2010

It's Starting to Look a Lot Like Christmas

Hey World,
So, I have been an absolutely terrible blogger and have neglected posting for quite some time. It's not completely my fault internet mysteriously disappeared one day and never came back.
It's been a grand old time here in Florida and I have been continuing to learn a ton, growing closer to God, and  makeing lots of friendships. For Thanksgiving I had the opportunity to go to Northport to Amanda's (my roommate) friend's house, and we spent the day eating lots of food and running around on the beach.
Here's proof:
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Moriah, Amanda, and I relaxing on the beach.

We had lots of fun.

It was definitely different not being home for Thanksgiving, but I guess that's what happens when you grow up and move to new places.
I find the thought of Christmas in Florida rather humorous. There are Christmas decorations everywhere, and my neighbors like most of the Orlando population have a yard filled with Christmas lights. The thing I find so funny about all of this is that it's been in the 70's (expect for today, which doesn't count). I look at the Christmas decor and laugh, because I feel as if Christmas is very far away and that it really isn't time to be singing Christmas songs yet. However, Christmas is approaching...I mean it is December. I believe for the first time in my life I'll be very grateful if it snows bucketloads while I'm home visiting my  family for Christmas. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

God, Forgiveness, and Beaches

My experience so far at YWAM has been great. I am learning so much and I really love being here.
This past week Michael Berg taught on the Father heart of God. I was reminded of how God is full of goodness, He is a perfect provider, He is our protector, He is the perfect authority, He is trustworthy, He values us, He is our comforter, He loves us perfectly and has great affection for us, He is always present, He accepts us, and He is our Creator. It's really amazing to know that God is more than all we need.
Michael Berg also talked a lot about forgiveness and the power of strongholds in our life.
On Thursday, we took the day with our small groups going through a list of people in our lives that we needed to forgive. It was such a key moment to this DTS and brought a lot of freedom to a lot of people.
God is amazing and I am so excited for this next week of class.
Yesterday I went with some friends to the beach. It was a beautiful beach day. Unfortunately, despite the fact that I thought I had avoided being sunburnt, I quickly realized after I got home that I was indeed rather pink.

Yes, be jealous. The beach was gorgeous.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Welcome to My Home

Since, I've been in Florida for a whole week and a half now, I thought I'd give you a tour of my place.

This is the house I live in.

This is my bed room. The bottom bunk is mine. Isn't that comforter cute?

This is the little bathroom I share with 6 other girls

The kitchen and Courtney my housemate, who is a very good cook.

And last but not least, the dining room. 

Friday, October 1, 2010

Word of the Day: Cool

So this picture pretty much sums up the day:

My roomie and I are pretty cool.

I made the vest I'm wearing.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Life in Orlando

This has been a great week at YWAM. We have had a great teacher, John Bills, speak on the hearing the voice of God all week. It has been so good, and we have had a lot of opportunities to practice hearing His voice. Life is very busy, however, and I haven't felt like I've had much time to post. I am in definite need to study/read, so I'll leave you with these pictures:

This is my roomie, Amanda and I. We are having a fun time at the pool.

This is my friend Victoria. She is so sweet.

The last thing I have to add is that Orlando is very hot, and I am desperately missing fall weather.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Yes, I am new to the blogging world and I'd just like to say, "Hello".
Originally I wanted to start a blog centered around all the little creations I sew, however, I just moved to Orlando to attend YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Unfortunately I wasn't able to drag my sewing machine with me on the plane, so I'm without it for a six whole months, and I must say I miss my dear machine. So, for the next 6 months my posts will mostly consist of my new journey at YWAM.
Just to give you a little glimpse of what my I like to sew I'll leave you with a picture of a skirt I made.