Sunday, September 7, 2014

Chalkboard Mirror DIY

I found this huge mirror and just knew the moment I saw it, that it would make the perfect chalkboard.

My husband spray painted it with chalkboard paint. We didn't worry about getting the paint all over the rest of the mirror, because I planned on painting the frame. Who wants a boring brown frame for a chalkboard anyway?

Once we finished spray painting we let it dry overnight. The next day it was ready for the rest of it's makeover. To protect the chalkboard/mirror portion I wedged scrap paper in between the frame and mirror to completely cover it. 

DO NOT DO THIS....I repeat...DO NOT DO THIS. I learned the hard way. What I didn't take into account was that it would be impossible to get the paper back out after I painted all over it. I spent an hour with an exacto knife trying to wedge all of the little bits of paper underneath the frame. It all worked out in the end, but it was such a pain. So cover your chalkboard, but don't wedge paper underneath the frame. It's a bad idea...just sayin'.

Now it's painting time!

Isn't this the prettiest color ever?

Really it's that simple. You just paint the frame. It took two coats. After it's dry you remove whatever you use to protect the chalkboard. (this was the part where I got discouraged, but since I've already made the BIG mistake and told you about it, it should be smooth sailing.) 

Now this is important. Don't skip this step. After the paint is dry and you remove all the chalkboard protection, take a piece of chalk and rub it all over the chalkboard and then erase it. I don't really know why you have to do this, but that's what the directions on the can of spray paint said to do. I'm assuming it's pretty important. Once, you do that, you will have a beautiful and completely usable chalkboard. :)

My wall is so happy to have something so beautiful to hold!

I hung this right next to my new chalkboard. Isn't this the cutest? I found these fabric letter squares at a small shop on our vacation in Colorado. I wanted to buy some for every room of the house. They are so fun and friendly. 

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