Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Craft Weekend

I got invited by some friends to join them at a girls craft weekend.
I said YES! ;)

And we had so much fun!

We stayed at an amazing craft house in Newton, KS. It was a crafter's dream. I felt a little like I was in heaven.

My bed for the weekend. 

The dining room

Isn't this the cutest house?

It was so dreamy! A true crafter's paradise.

This was in another bedroom, but I just loved the wall decor.

The HUGE crafting room.
 I was the first one up in the morning and snapped this picture while everyone was still sleeping. I also didn't stay up as late as everyone else. I can't pull all-nighter's anymore. There were thousand more pictures I could have taken, because this is just a small portion of the house. I could not stop OOOOing and AHHHing over everything. 

I mostly just worked on hand painting signs. My hands got so tired, but I was so productive. It was the most crafting I think I have ever done in a weekend. 

One of my favorite quotes by Ann Voskamp

I made this to go above the window at my kitchen sink. 

These are going to be giveaways for a women's conference at my sister's church.

I had such a wonderful weekend and I feel so blessed that I got to be a part of this craft weekend. It was really refreshing to just get away for a little bit. 

For those of you who have been following and praying for Mitch here is an update:
The doctors have turned all the sedation off and he has been opening his eyes off and on. He is breathing on his own for 2 hours at a time, three times a day. This is definitely a huge improvement. Please keep praying for his body to continue to heal and to stay calm as the sedation wears off. I am so grateful for all that God is doing in his life and for each and everyone of you that have been praying for him. Your prayers are making a difference. 

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