Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Is it too late to post about Halloween? Nah :)

Introducing the Wizard of Oz gang...

My friend, Kaitlyn and I decided to have our kiddies dress up in a theme and they were so darn cute! I still can't believe we got a picture of them all sitting together. I made Eli's costume which was pretty easy because it just involved some patches and yellow stretch fabric that I cut into strips to resemble straw. I wanted to make all the other costumes too, but in the end I'm glad I didn't. We just have way too much going on with this house reno. 

The Lion and the Scarecrow who wouldn't sit still :) typical!

I love these boys! 

The Tin Man aka Will

The Lion and Dorothy chatting

Kaitlyn and I decided to dress up as moms! I think we pulled it off pretty well ;)

The boys loved dressing up in their costumes. They kept pointing and laughing at each other. They also loved collecting candy (for their parents to eat). Eli waved and said "buh bye" as we left each house. Overall, we had so much fun. It was a great success and I can't wait for next year!

Now, for a little house update...

Here I am putting up the ceiling. I'm really happy we chose to do this. It is looking so good. 

And...the most exciting part is that we now have kitchen cabinets installed! 

I absolutely love how everything is turning out. It is pretty stressful making all these important and costly decisions without being able to really see it all together. It's good to know we didn't pick horrible choices and that it is all finally starting to come together! 

Floors are currently being put in. One step closer to being done.

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