Friday, January 17, 2014

A Year Ago Today

A year ago today I found out I was pregnant with identical twin boys.

A year ago today I was sitting in the Doctor's office picking out names.

A year ago today the doctor sat beside me and told me my babies had Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome and had a small chance for survival.

A year ago today I was in a state of shock as I packed my bags and traveled to the children's hospital in Colorado.

Today I have two little miracles

Today I have two healthy 9 month old twin boys.

Today they are growing and learning

Today they are my greatest joy and blessing

Today and everyday I am so thankful for all the Lord did for us.

Wow, what a year this has been. All I can say is that we have been overabundantly blessed by the Lord. My two little boys who aren't supposed to be here TODAY, ARE. AND THEY ARE THRIVING.


  1. That is amazing! They are miracles! I remember sitting in the office and having them tell us that our boys had a big chance of having TTTS It was devastating since only a few months prior we were sitting in the same office and were told our firstborn wasn't going to make it. They didn't end up having it. Your boys are so adorable! God is so good!! I now get to have conversations with the boys how they both used to be in my tummy and they tell me that they had a party in there. lol!

  2. Thank you so much! I can't wait for all the fun to come. Despite all the extra work twins can be it's so exciting to know that they are going to be the best of friends! Your boys are so cute too. I love that they had a party. :)
