So we switched.
We are now in their old room and they are in ours. Our room is smaller, but surprisingly I love it so much more than our other room. We repainted their room because it was baby blue, had a giant brown tree on the wall, and didn't match our comforter. :) (We used the paint color Latte from Sherwin Willams). Also on a side note, never paint a brown tree on a wall. It was such a pain to cover. We left our old room/their new room the same color because it was blue and just worked perfectly. I also wasn't about to paint two whole rooms in two days. No thank you!
Piles of all the boys' belongings in the living room.
I had no idea how much stuff they had!
I promised the husband that we could have a cabiny room if he let me decorate the rest of the house however I choose. I actually really like our cabin room. We already had the furniture, bedspread, and everything else when we moved over to our new room. The only thing new I bought was curtains. I love them. They are from World Market (just the best store on the planet).
Since we moved into a smaller room. It feels so much more cozy. It's almost like we are actually sleeping in a cute little cabin :)
The best part about our new room is the closet. It isn't huge, but the way that it is configured we have so much more space. It's no longer claustrophobic. Also, my super handy husband was able to make custom shelves for it. He truly is amazing!
He used pine, so it smells like a forest every time I open the closet :)
The other side.
One full closet.
I made this necklace holder awhile ago and I finally had a place to hang it up. So happy about that.
The boys' new room pretty much just stayed the same, except they have a lot more space to spread toys all over the floor. I did however convince Brian to make book shelves from a picture I saw on Pinterest.
He built them and I stained them. I'm so happy with how they turned out. I'm so blessed to have a husband that is so willing to make any project I send his way. Yep, I'm pretty spoiled. :)
Shelves with books. Looks like we already have an avid reader.
Or maybe, he is just trying to figure out how he can climb up the wall?