My Grandpa passed away yesterday morning. The past two days have been hard. I'm not ready to let go of Grandpa. I know he is having a beautiful celebration with Jesus, I just wasn't ready. I look at my life and think, "I'm only 20 and I want him to be here much much longer." I want him to be at my wedding. I want him to meet my children. I want him to see me live out my life and be proud of me. I want him to tell me stories from when he was a young boy. I want to go fishing with him one last time.
My Grandpa has been one of the most inspirational men that I've known. I've grown up seeing him serve the Lord and loving others with the heart of Jesus. Even as the caner started to take over his brain, he still knew every word to every hymn he has ever sung, and all through his life and through his sickness he has praised the Lord. I've watched his tender spirit to the Lord and admired their close relationship, and I know that I want to experience that same closeness. I want to live a life of service and sacrifice to others, just like Grandpa did.
Grandpa, I'm going to miss going and getting crickets to fish with, and going to the zoo, and listening to your kind, but strong voice pray. I'm going to miss playing Uno and feeding the ducks with you, but I will never forget all the memories we've made. My life has been changed because of you. Here's to you, Grandpa. I love you!