Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sunset Moments

This is a sunrise, not a sunset. 
I know.
But I didn't have a photo of a sunset
Yes, I get up this early every day. 
Not by choice.
On this particular day, I looked out the window and saw this pretty thing.
I had to snap a photo.
God's amazing and sunrises (sunsets) are beautiful.

I recently started reading a new book. 

It's really good. I think every mama should read it. 
Whether you spend lots of time on the phone/internet or not.
We all get distracted with the demands each day holds for us.
We all have a mile long to-do list.
We are all racing through life trying to get so many things done.
We are all missing important moments with our children. 
They are called sunset moments. 

My boys laying their heads on my shoulder to cuddle
The boys riding on the tractor
Crawling around on the floor chasing the boys
Playing peek a boo
and the list goes on and on.
These are all sunset moments.
Those moments that if I'm too busy and not paying attention I'm going to miss.
Time doesn't stop. 
If we don't stop, we will miss so much.

Because this is so good, here is an excerpt from this book:

"Life's Sunset Moments are glorious, rejuvenation, and gratifying to behold,
but when I'm caught up in daily distractions, they are so carelessly missed. 
If I just pretended to watch, I will miss them. If my hands are too busy doing
other things, I will miss them. If my body is present, but my mind is not, I will
miss them. If I hold on to distraction tighter than I grasp what really matters, I
will miss Sunset Moments time and time again."  -Rachel Macy Stafford.

In this day in age that is full of technology, this hands free mantra is really important.
So put down the phones, shut off the computers,
Take a break from pinning and tweeting and instagramming
and just BE.
Be with your little ones because they won't be little forever
Make the most of the time you have 
Set aside a little of each day just for them.
Put them first before that to-do list.

Now I'm not saying cut yourself off from all technology 
and do absolutely nothing but hang with the kiddos.
I'm just saying put more focus on those Sunset moments.
Don't miss out.

I'm far from perfect. 
I spend too much time focused on distractions.
I hold tightly to that to-do list.
It's really hard to let go. 
But sometimes you just have to. 

If you want to purchase this book (which is a really great idea)
It is only $5 at Family Christian. 
So go get it today before it's not on sale anymore.

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